According to statistics, 92% of people trust recommendations from other people, not brands. 82% will give preference to a company whose management regularly posts social media posts. Forming a personal brand has many benefits not only for businesses, but also for bloggers, email marketers, photographers, speakers and professionals in other fields.

Let’s find out why you need to create and promote a personal brand:

  • To attract the target audience, to build a close trusting relationship with them and to build loyalty;
  • To increase their influence in a certain area of activity and to become an opinion leader;
  • to promote their business in the market, to increase recognition and to increase sales;
  • to position yourself as a specialist in order to attract customers, employers, and partners for cooperation.

Today, a personal brand is essential for anyone who plans to use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube or another communication channel to achieve their goals, from finding a desired job to promoting products and services.

Bill Gates once said: “If your business isn’t online, you’re not in business!” The same is true for professionals in various fields. If they can’t be found on the Internet, then only a “select few” will know about their skills and accomplishments. Therefore, if you want to attract investors, find partners, win the favor of potential clients or become someone who will influence changes in the social sphere – you need a personal brand.